
Medical Education

  1. To identify the SVT Rhythm
  2. Know how to treat SVT (Vagal, Medication, Cardioversion)


Crisis Resource Management (CRM) 

  1. Shows proper closed loop communication
  2. Shares mental model
  3. Delegates Task Appropriately

Case Stem

6 year old boy presents to the ED with a history of shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness. He states that he can “feel his heart beating too hard”.

During triage assessment, the nurse is unable to auscultate a heart rate as she finds it too fast to count. The patient is then brought into the resuscitation room and the ER response is activated.

Past Medical History/Background
Estimated Weight (not to be told): (3 x age) +7= 25 kg
M: None
P: History of syncope and intermittent palpitations over past year (no diagnosis). Immunizations UTD
L: 6 hours ago
E: Sudden onset of shortness of breath, chest pain, dizzy

Learning Material

Tachychardia with Pulses and Poor Perfusion


Supplemental Material

Supraventricular Tachycardia

Salerno, 2009