by pemsim | Oct 21, 2022 | APRC
Case 12 day-old boy is brought to the ED with rapid breathing and not feeding well. Breastfeeding well until 2 days ago. Since then, decreased feeding, vomiting every other feed for the last 2 days. Over the last several days, had 3 wet diapers over the last 24 h....
by pemsim | Apr 11, 2022 | PEPC3, Resident Simulation
Airway 1 (glidescope + airway adjuncts)
by pemsim | Apr 6, 2022 | PEPC3, Resident Simulation
Airway 1 (glidescope + airway adjuncts)
by pemsim | Feb 17, 2022 | 2022-2023
Back Case Stem 12 year old female MVC, rear seat belted. Prolonged extrication at scene. Initially drowsy then lost pulse and CPR started with BVM and epi X1. Bilateral needle decompression performed to the 2nd intercostal space mid-axillary space, no improvement. IV...
by pemsim | Feb 16, 2022 | PEPC3, Resident Simulation
Needle Thoracostomy & Chest Tubes 3 Needle Thoracostomy View Chest Tubes...